Large, recently shaven (with the exception of A-Train), sinewy men with a flamboyant dress sense--an apt description of the fashionista in Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and the tight-spandex-trunk-wearing freak shows appearing every Monday on Spike 'Lee' TV. With the all-new, all-cool Season mode in the Road to WrestleMania XIX portion of the game, we thought we'd check out just what evil machinations your sweaty man-beast can get up to during those hours between matches--aside from applying fake tans and various shiny oils.
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Free Download WWE RAW 2007 Free Download For Computer released for the Xbox console by THQ in 2003, and developed by Tokyo-based company Anchor Inc. It is the sequel to the WWE Raw game that was released in 2002, For the first time in the series, a season mode was included in the game. It allows players to set up wrestlers, call others out from the locker room, form alliances, and hire managers. WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw 2007 - Free - Download - PC - Full - Highly Compressed - Rip - Game WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 is a ( professional wrestling video ) game for ( PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Wii ). The Developer are ( Yuke's ) and Publisher are ( THQ, Yuke's )! This Post specially made for computer download. WWE RAW 2007 Compressed PC Game Download. Free Download RAW 2007 game is one of the most popular game in playstation world. But its popularity is not restricted till play station but on other hand it’s demand pull it to PC world too. There were many games that came before, paving the way but Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 still stands up as one of the greats. In terms of how this one plays, if you’ve played an older title such as WWE Smackdown! Here Comes The Pain or Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth, this won’t feel massively unfamiliar. All the adrenaline of WWE Raw on your PC. Are you a fan of WWE Raw? If you like the TV show, you're going to get a love the PC game, the WWE Raw game that’s sure to keep wrestling fans on the edge of their seats. The WWE Raw graphics are really impressive. From the adrenaline-filled opening to the pumping music and excellent crowd details.

1. Sweet Fanny Adams
Your Superstar takes absolutely no action during the match and neither gains nor loses anything.
2. Rest

Your Superstar hangs out backstage and relaxes. If he is not approached by another Superstar, he recovers 30 Vitality points. If he is approached by a Superstar and has a friendly conversation, his Popularity and Vitality increase by modest amounts. If your Superstar is approached by a hostile Superstar, however, the two behemoths have a short fight. If your Superstar loses, he loses a great deal of Vitality. Even if he wins, he loses a bit of Vitality.
3. Surprise Attack
To Surprise Attack another Superstar, instigate a backstage brawl with your target. If you win, you take out a great deal of his or her Vitality, which is the perfect way to soften up an opponent before a match. However, surprise attacks can backfire--if you lose the backstage brawl, you're the one on the short end of the Vitality stick. Sometimes you just won't be able to find your rival Superstar, and you'll suffer a very modest Vitality loss as a result.
4. Interference
When you choose to attempt Interference, you risk some ot your Vitality for the chance to interfere in a Superstar's match. This is a good way to help out an ally or just get some payback on a Superstar that you have a grudge against. A successful attempt costs 20 Vitality points but gains you two Popularity points, and you get to control your Superstar as he interferes in the match. Sometimes, however, pesky arena security keeps you from reaching the ring, in which case you accomplish nothing and lose five Vitality points for looking painfully silly.
5. Steal
During a match, you can choose to steal something from a Superstar's locker. A high Luck score helps your chances. If you're successful, however, you lose more Vitality and Popularity than if you had failed. Stealing is a great way to unlock hidden items, such as new options in Create a Superstar mode, Superstar entrance videos, and additional points for your created Superstars' parameters.
6. Set Trap
Setting a trap for a Superstar is the easiest way to deprive him of some Vitality, but even a successful attempt costs you half the Vitality that the attacked Superstar lost. You don't have to actually fight the Superstar, though, so it's a good way to take a big-name Superstar down a peg or two before a match.
7. Manipulate
Manipulate a Superstar to trick him or her into attacking another wrassler. You lose 10 points of Vitality on a successful attempt, but the attacked Superstar loses 20. The Superstar who does the attacking doesn't lose any Vitality.
Wwe Raw 2 2007 Pc Game Download
8. Encourage
Encouraging a Superstar risks a small amount of your own Vitality (five points) to increase theirs if you are successful. Sometimes, the Superstar blows you off, in which case you lose 10 Vitality points but increase the friendliness between the two Superstars. If you can't find the Superstar backstage, you lose five Vitality points.
9. Call Out
Question a Superstar's intestinal fortitude by calling him or her out. Standing in the middle of the ring, your Superstar challenges another Superstar to come on down. If the challenged Superstar comes out, you lose 10 Vitality points but earn five Popularity points; the Superstar you challenged also earns two Popularity points. Sometimes a different Superstar responds to the Call Out--this costs you 10 Vitality points but gives you two Popularity Points and your opponent one Popularity point, as well as increases the hostility between the two Superstars. It also gives you a 'Call Out Card' that results in a match between you and the Superstar who responded to your challenge. If no one comes out, you lose five Vitality points and nothing else happens--aside from the yelling, the name calling, and the strutting.
10. Complain
Complaining to another Superstar costs you 10 Vitality points but increases the hostility between you and the other Superstar it you are successful. It you fail to find the Superstar backstage, you lose five Vitality points.
11. Select Manager
Choose Select Manager if you want to have an ally outside of the ring who can watch your back. Superstars with high Charisma who look for Superstars with compatible Alignments have more luck getting them to be managers. A successful attempt nets you a new manager. An unsuccessful attempt costs 10 Vitality points. If you can't find the Superstar backstage, you lose five Vitality points.
12. Break Up
Wwe Raw 2007 Game
If you're tired of your manager, show him or her the door. This sends the two of you on your separate ways, but be warned--many a WWE feud has been sparked by a jilted manager!

The game features several arenas that WWE held events in during 2002 and 2003. There are also arenas based upon each WWE television show. New match stipulations are included in the game: Hell in a Cell, TLC and Royal Rumble matches are available in Raw 2. The Create an Entrance feature allows the player to use custom music tracks that have been ripped onto their Xbox's hard disk, synchronize two sets of pyrotechnics with taunts or poses, and create an entrance video featuring the player's character performing various wrestling moves. Upon its release, the game was praised for an improved and more current roster. A select few of these abilities returned for WWE '12 and WWE '13.
Windows 98/XP/ME
Pentium III 500MHz Processor
64MB RAM (Windows 98/ME)
128MB RAM (Windows XP)
Nvidia TNT2, GeForce 1, 2 or 3
ATI Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500 or 8500
or Matrox G450 Video Card
DirectX-compatible Sound Card
4X CD-ROM Drive
DirectX 8
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